下载数据集地址: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/
- 获取数据集
- 用皮尔逊系数求每部电影的前k个相似电影
- 根据用户id,求出用户评价过的电影
- 得到评价过的电影的相似电影
- 对于这些相似电影,求评分的加权平均数
- 取前k个,即为推荐的电影
1. 数据集介绍
这里使用 ml-100k 的数据
This data set consists of:
- 100,000 ratings (1-5) from 943 users on 1682 movies.
- Each user has rated at least 20 movies.
- Simple demographic info for the users (age, gender, occupation, zip)
The data was collected through the MovieLens web site
(movielens.umn.edu) during the seven-month period from September 19th,
1997 through April 22nd, 1998.
数据集包含 u.data\u.genre\u.info\u.item\u.occupation\u.user 等。
- u.data: 用户id,电影id,评分,时间戳
- u.info: 用户数量,电影数量,评分数量
- u.item: 电影id,电影标题,上映日期,光碟上映日期,IMDb URL,流派
- u.genre: 流派
- u.user: 用户id,年龄,性别,职位,邮编
2. 读取数据
先分析 {用户,电影,评分},读取 u.data 和 u.item
3. 计算距离
- 人们的评价标准不同,有人偏低有人偏高
- 分数不同,但是评价有相同的趋势,也认为两人相同
4. 计算出该电影最相似的前k部电影
5. 获取每一部电影的相似电影
6. 推荐电影:
- 获取用户所有评价过的电影
- 遍历每一部电影
- 获取该电影的相似电影
- 判断相似电影是否被用户评价过
- 计算相关系数*评分并累加
- 相关系数累加
- 求出评分的加权平均数
- 得分高的前k名就是推荐的电影
7. 输出结果
输入 用户id
,即可得到5部推荐电影。 输入 exit
8. 其他
8.1.读取 u.item 解码错误
新增 encoding='ISO-8859-1'
8.2. sys.setdefaultencoding(‘utf-8’) 报错
AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
python 3.3 开始已经移除了这个方法。默认 ‘utf-8’ 编码。
可以通过 sys.getdefaultencoding()
9. 代码
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# !/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def loadTrainSet():
movieList = {}
for line in open("data/ml-100k/u.item", encoding='ISO-8859-1').readlines():
# u.item 包含电影id,电影名称
(movieId, title) = line.split('|')[0:2]
movieList[movieId] = title
userInfo = {}
userInfoUid = {}
for line in open("data/ml-100k/u.data").readlines():
# u.data 包含用户id,电影id,评分
(uid, mid, rating) = line.split('\t')[0:3]
if uid not in userInfoUid.keys():
userInfoUid[uid] = {}
userInfoUid[uid][movieList[mid]] = int(rating)
if movieList[mid] not in userInfo.keys():
userInfo[movieList[mid]] = {}
userInfo[movieList[mid]][uid] = int(rating)
return movieList,userInfo,userInfoUid
# 计算距离
# 皮尔逊相关系数评价:
def pearson(data, movie1, movie2):
personList = [person for person in data[movie1].keys() if person in data[movie2].keys()]
pLen = len(personList)
if pLen == 0:
return 0
# print('movie1:',movie1)
# print('movie2:',movie2)
# print('personList:',personList)
# print('pLen:',pLen)
rating1 = [data[movie1][p] for p in personList]
rating2 = [data[movie2][p] for p in personList]
ratingSq1 = [data[movie1][p]**2 for p in personList]
ratingSq2 = [data[movie2][p]**2 for p in personList]
# 计算评价和 评价平方和 评价成绩和
sum1 = sum(rating1)
sum2 = sum(rating2)
sumSq1 = sum(ratingSq1)
sumSq2 = sum(ratingSq2)
psum = sum([data[movie1][p] * data[movie2][p] for p in personList])
# 皮尔逊相关系数计算
num = psum - (sum1 * sum2) / pLen
den = np.sqrt((sumSq1 - np.square(sum1)/pLen) * (sumSq2 - np.square(sum2)/pLen))
if den == 0:
return 0
return num/den
def topRating(data, movie, k = 5):
# 计算该电影与每部电影之间的皮尔逊相关系数
scores = {}
for mov in data.keys():
if mov != movie:
scores[mov] = pearson(data, movie, mov)
scoSorted = sorted(scores.items(),key=lambda scores:scores[1],reverse=True)
# print('movie {0}, scoSorted: top {1}, {2}'.format(movie, k, scoSorted[:k]))
return scoSorted[:k]
def getMovieList(data):
matchMovieList = {}
for mov in data.keys():
matchMovieList[mov] = topRating(data, mov, 5)
return matchMovieList
def getRecommendMov(data, matchmov, userid, k=5):
userRating = data[userid]
except KeyError:
print('No User')
return 0
scores = {} #记录加权和
totalSco = {} #记录评分和
# 用户所有评过分的电影
for mov, rating in userRating.items():
# 遍历当前电影的所有相似电影
for nearMov, nearPear in matchmov[mov]:
if nearMov in userRating.keys():
if nearMov not in scores.keys():
scores[nearMov] = nearPear * rating
totalSco[nearMov] = nearPear
scores[nearMov] += nearPear * rating
totalSco[nearMov] += nearPear
rankings = [(scores[nearMov]/totalSco[nearMov],nearMov) for nearMov in scores.keys() if totalSco[nearMov] != 0]
rankings.sort(key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True)
recommendMov = [rankings[i][1] for i in range(k)]
return recommendMov
def movielensClass():
movieList,userInfo,userInfoUid = loadTrainSet()
matchmov = getMovieList(userInfo)
return matchmov,userInfo,userInfoUid
if __name__ == '__main__':
matchmov,userInfo,userInfoUid = movielensClass()
while True:
userid = input("input userid:")
if userid == 'exit':
near = getRecommendMov(userInfoUid, matchmov, userid)